Using CMD & PowerShell to Find Last Boot Time Remotely

Here is a simple and short command that will help you tell the last boot time. CMD: SystemInfo /S $Server | find /i “Boot Time” Powershell Script: $Server = Read-Host -Prompt ‘Input the server name’ SystemInfo /S $Server | find /i “Boot Time” > C:\Users\$env:username\Desktop\Last_Boot-$Server.txt The above Powershell script will pop up and prompt you … Read more

Infographic – Top 10 Benefits of SharePoint Online

  In this blog post we highlight some of the advantages that you should consider when evaluating SharePoint Online. Office 365, SharePoint Online has everything that is required to make your employees engaged, organized & productive with cost-effective and seamless experience along with apparent cloud benefits. Here you go.. Managing external user access is much … Read more

Export list of all Active Directory Security Groups with their Members

Learn how to easily export Active Directory Security Groups with their members to a CSV file in Windows PowerShell. Here is a Script: $Groups = Get-ADGroup -Properties * -Filter * -SearchBase “OU=Groups,DC=corp,DC=ourcompany,DC=Com” Foreach($G In $Groups) { Write-Host $G.Name Write-Host “————-” $G.Members } Here is another Script: $Groups = Get-ADGroup -Properties * -Filter {GroupCategory -eq “Security”} -SearchBase “OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=com” … Read more

How to Detect SharePoint Permission Changes

In this blog will see how to detect permission changes in SharePoint. To achieve this follow the below simple steps. First you have to go to Site Settings → Site Collection Administration → Site collection features → then choose “Reporting” → and press “Activate”. After doing this again go to Site Settings → Site Collection … Read more

How to View SharePoint Online Audit Log Reports

In this blog will see how to view SharePoint online audit log reports to better manage and secure office 365 SharePoint online. Before you can access the reports, you have to enable the audit log in SharePoint online. To enable Audit Log Reporting Follow the steps mention in this article – How to Enable SharePoint … Read more

How to Configure SharePoint Online Auditing

Introducing SharePoint Online Auditing SharePoint Online auditing features enable admins to track user activity on an organizational level. Through which Office 365 administrators, or the compliance admin, search through the logs and apply filters to identify exactly what they are looking for. Follow the below steps to enable SharePoint online auditing. Step 1: Open Office … Read more