In this post, will use Active Directory PowerShell or EMC to get a list of all users, emails and their mobile phone numbers.
By using Get-ADUser Cmdlet
Get-ADUser -f * -Properties *| where {$_.enabled -eq $true} | ft Name,EmailAddress,*Phone
If you want to export
get-aduser -properties * -filter * | select name, emailaddress, officephone,homephone,mobilephone,ipphone,fax | export-csv c:\scripts\users.csv
Get-ADUser can retrieves a number of attributes by default, if you don’t need those, use Select-Object to retrieves the ones you only need:
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties mobile | Select-Object Name,Mobile
For EMC, you can run this command in PowerShell:
Get-User username | fl FirstName,LastName,SamAccount,Phone,MobilePhone
Or for everyone in the organization:
Get-User | fl FirstName,LastName,SamAccount,Phone,MobilePhone
Hope you find this useful.