How to Remove Exchange Mailbox Database

In this article, you will learn how to remove an Exchange Mailbox Database. To remove Exchange mailbox database we will use Exchange Admin Console (EAC) and PowerShell.

Using Exchange Admin Console to remove Exchange Mailbox Database.

Firstly, you need to logon to the Exchange Admin Console and navigate to the Servers – > Database.

After that, either you create a new database or move all mailboxes to another database.Then remove the database.

It’s always recommended to take a backup.

Now we need to verify if there any mailboxes on this database we can use the below PowerShell cmdlet to handle this.

Get-MailboxDatabase "Mailbox Database 1234567899" |Get-Mailbox |
New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase "MDBEX02" -Confirm:$true

Also, we need to move the Monitoring Mailboxes and Arbitration Mailboxes.Below cmdlet will handle this.

Get-MailboxDatabase "Mailbox Database 1234567899" |Get-Mailbox -Arbitration |
New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase "MDBEX02"

Finally, move the Monitoring Mailboxes to a new Database using below cmdlet.

Get-MailboxDatabase "Mailbox Database 1234567899" |Get-Mailbox -Monitoring |
New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase "MDBEX02"

In order to verify the Status run below cmdlet.


Wait till the Move-Request jobs done. After that,

Remove the Mailbox Database in the EAC.

Go to EAC console then select the Database and click on the ….after that select Dismount.

Click on “Yes” to continue to Dismount the Database.

Now you have to Select the Database again and click on the “Trash Bin” icon to remove the selected Database.

Click on “Yes” to Remove the Database.

Remove the Database using PowerShell

One-liner PowerShell cmdlet will do for you:

Remove-MailboxDatabase "Mailbox Database 1234567899"

Lastly, you have to remove the Files in the location where the Database was stored. However, while doing such task may you need to convert edb files to pst format or have to recover Exchange Mailbox (.edb)

Related Articles:

How to repair exchange database after dirty shutdown

How to Fix Exchange Database (.EDB file) size grown too big

How to Move and Truncate Logs in Exchange Server


Hope the above steps will help you to remove an Exchange Mailbox Database easily and efficiently using Exchange Admin Console (EAC) and PowerShell.

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