In this article, will see how to integrate Microsoft Teams with On-premises Exchange using Hybrid environment.
Requirements for integrating and using Microsoft Teams functionality in a hybrid environment:
- Exchange Server 2016
- Hybrid Exchange configured
- Microsoft 365 tenant with relevant licenses
- Hybrid Identity (identity object in Active Directory on premises and Azure AD)
In case you have an older version of Exchange server then migrate your exchange server to 2016 with CU15 as a minimum.
For deployment and migration, I would recommend the following links:
Exchange Deployment Assistant
Exchange 2013 to Exchange 2016
Once we had Exchange server 2016 then we need to create and configure Microsoft 365 tenant. To get in detailed about how to configure Microsoft 365 Tenant, refer to the following article:
Once you create and configure Microsoft 365 tenant.
Then we have working 365 tenant and on-premises Exchange 2016 with CU 15.
Now we need to create the Hybrid configuration.
In-order to create the identity Hybrid we need to install and configure Azure AD connect with existing on-premises domain controller.
To get in detailed, you can follow this article:
Once the identities were synchronizing between on premises AD and Azure AD we can install and configure Exchange Hybrid Wizard on Exchange server 2016, also need to create public DNS records.
For more information follow this article:
Apart from this, we need to ensure OAuth authentication is configured and working, which is one of the most important requirements for using Microsoft Teams in a Hybrid environment. However, in Exchange Server 2016 the Hybrid Exchange wizard automatically configures this.
Once we complete the above steps then we were able to deploy Microsoft Teams to device and login with Office 365 credentials. This allow users to use Microsoft Teams functionality efficiently.
How Exchange and Microsoft Teams interact: